
Our work is about people 

Healthy human development begins with ensuring that each person is at the center of their own learning and developmental processes. A person's power to effectively engage with their community and society more broadly comes from the opportunities they have to freely explore and express themselves and to pursue their own learning paths both independently and collectively through a range of educational activities in an environment which is safe, supportive and challenging.

Our work is about learning

·         CFTA’s approach to learning is rooted in the principles of active learning, hands-on experimentation and learning through practice.  Recognizing that each person has their own unique set of skills and capacities, each individual is encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and at the same time support and respect others’ learning efforts.

·         We believe that freedom of thought and expression are fundamental to creativity and to healthy learning and development more broadly.  We cannot predict the outcomes of learning, we can only open the spaces and support the processes within which learning and development can thrive.

·    We view learning as a dynamic, interactive, process involving independent and collective processes, practice and reflection, exploration and assessment; it is always participatory, always open and always changing. 

·    CFTA embraces an integrated, holistic approach to learning, well-being and development through the provision of a range of complementary services and programs, whether for boys or girls, men or women. Our programs are designed to help build healthy individuals and families, intellectually, physically, emotionally and socially, and healthy communities in which women and men play an active and influential role in building a Palestinian society characterized by gender justice, equality and partnership.

·    We are committed to facilitating learning processes within our own organization as well as with the constituencies we serve. CFTA invests in formal and informal learning and development opportunities for staff and volunteers through providing regular on-the-job mentoring and supervision and support for training and study, as well as engaging external consultants. As a learning organization, we are dynamic; our programmes grow and change, both responsive and responsible to the communities to which we belong and in which we work. The need for continuous reflection, review and revision of our work with the communities where we work is particularly important in the volatile and rapidly changing conditions which characterize the Gaza Strip.

Our work is about participating

·    CFTA is committed to participatory community development, firmly rooted in the people and places it serves.

·     All of CFTA’s programs embrace a philosophy of full participation - girls and boys, men and women, whatever the age group and background, all participate in planning, budgeting, implementation, management and evaluation of activities and programmes in which they are involved. Children, youth and adults are all encouraged to test their ideas and experiences, participate in decision-making and share responsibilities in the process of developing and managing activities.

·       since its beginnings in 1991, CFTA has pioneered efforts to ensure full participation of its constituencies. Over the years, CFTA has remained committed to the fundamental principle active participation, developing   and refining a methodology that is interactive and inclusive.  

·       Constituent groups to a programme or project – whatever their ages, sex or background -- are always involved: they take responsibility for all the aspects of their activities or initiatives — not only implementation but also planning, evaluation and financial management. Once a year, each major constituency group served by CFTA gathers together to develop their own annual plan and the thematic interventions they hope to address, ensuring that ultimate ownership over all of CFTA’s programs lies with the communities they serve.

 Our work is about community

·    People live, learn and grow in communities.  All of CFTA’s programs celebrate Palestinian cultural heritage and identity and foster creative, critical engagement in community. Our approach to community is cooperative and collaborative rather than confrontational. We believe that change happens through active engagement with one another and we seek to include members of our communities -- in all their diversity -- in open discussion and inclusive decision making no matter how controversial the issue.

·      Recognizing the range of institutions influencing its constituents, whether children, youth or adults, CFTA always works closely with their families, schools and other community organizations, as well as both governmental and non-governmental agencies to build broad-based support and engagement.

·       We believe that like healthy communities, healthy development involves learning across generations; we work to create and support opportunities for inter generational learning and action.


Our work is about sharing information and open communication

·         Full information is fundamental to inclusive, transparent and accountable development.

·     Effective community participation requires the sharing of information and open communication among various stakeholders.

·       Transparency and accountability at all levels of the Association and across all programmes and services are fundamental to CFTA’s approach.


 Our work is about quality

In over more than two decades of work, CFTA has established an exceptional reputation for the high quality of its services and programs; our commitment to quality is maintained through dedicated and continuous attention to both processes and outcomes.

·         Ongoing follow-up, communication and networking ensure that community feedback leads to continued learning and development in the design and implementation of all or our programmes and activities.

·         CFTA staff is comprised of a team of professionals bringing together a wide range of specific expertise (from science, math and information technology; to visual, plastic and performing arts; to physical, psychological and public health;  to teaching, community mobilization, media and advocacy)  towards a common collaboration. At the same time, staff is highly skilled in facilitating participatory learning and collaborative action.